If “Brokeback Mountain” Were A Child It Would Be In Fifth Grade

This December comes the ten-year-anniversary oral history of Brokeback Mountain

. Perhaps you remember the Anne Hathaway vehicle? That’s right. Ten whole years ago. Like years after 9/11, yeah. Brokeback Mountain!!! Where were you when you saw this landmark gay movie? Oh, basically right where you are now? Yeah, same.

Here’s America’s sweetheart, Anne Hathaway, on the making of:

The four of us were taken out to this restaurant in Calgary by the producers, and I remember sitting there and looking at beautiful Heath, and Jake, and Michelle, and it hit me that we were all under 25. It’s funny how recent it was, but at the time we were very far away from this burgeoning humanist moment that we’re having now with gay rights. And it felt like a very big and important step — a statement about love, about the need for love, about the consequences of limiting people. And I was just so blown away that these four 25-year-old kids could bring this to life, especially the three of them.

But this Ang Lee bit is funnier:

I met Annie Proulx for the first time in New York. She scared me. But then I spent two days in Wyoming with her. The first day I was still afraid of her, since she is stern and I am a city boy, but the first night we had dinner, and I saw an item on the menu, Rocky Mountain oyster, and I ordered it. I had no idea what it was, but I’m an adventurous eater. I think that was the icebreaker. When it came she took a bite of it, and said, “Women are not supposed to eat this,” and cracked a smile. After that she was quite lovely.