Weekend Roundup

“Man,” you’re probably saying to yourself right now, “The Hairpin became a terrifying blog about our inevitable destruction so gradually I didn’t even notice.” It kind of snuck up on us too!! What can we say, it’s August and we’re feeling ready to make peace with the end of the world. We also received some horoscopes tailored to our global-warming related deaths; keep us posted on how they do in terms of accuracy and resulting anxiety.

Alex confronted some of her personal nightmares this week: being dosed with drugs, remembering former celebrity couples, Todd Rundgren. We also explored our stress-induced fantasies and compared them to parallel stress realities with…surprising results! I ranked a few fictional DILFs because I am committed to hard-hitting journalism, although Marianna did point out that I forgot Nate Fisher, which is probably also left off our Stress Fantasies list: “forgetting a hot fictional dad I totally want to bone.”

In other rankings, here’s a list of all the people mentioned in a review of Jonathan Franzen’s latest book; can you guess what they all have in common? You’re smart, you’ll figure it out. I also talked a little bit about sexy sex magazines and acne creams because of course I did!!

In advice: don’t ask the Internet about your boyfriend, just dump him. Baba Yaga, in her infinite wisdom, says not to settle. Wendy says to play Roll Up The Rim. Isabel says to reject minimalism. With that in mind, pick a look or three for fall from these superb options.

Alex’s long conversation with a Catholic woman is a really, really lovely and thorough inquiry into faith, love, mental health, and aesthetics. Take some time to read it this weekend if you haven’t already.

We might be preparing for the end of the world, but I feel somewhat confident we’ll make it through the weekend. I’m going to use an entire tub of sunscreen to protect my skin from the relentless scorch of our deathly sun and stay outside for 48 hours straight. What will YOU do this weekend?!