My Kindergarten OKCupid Profile
by Rose Surnow
Username: Krazy4Toyz
7/ female/ single/ Los Angeles
My self-summary
I’m usually in a great mood unless someone is brushing my hair, then I’m definitely crying.
What I’m doing with my life:
Just living play-date to play-date.
I’m really good at:
Everything, especially arts and crafts. I just made this macaroni-on-paper piece that is getting a lot of buzz at my mom’s office.
Favorite movies, show, music, books, food:
Whatever my big sister likes. Ask her this question and then just tell me what she says.
Six things I could never do without:
Barbie car
Shark Bites
Long hair
Sticker book
I spend a lot of time thinking about:
That scene in The Little Mermaid when she brushes her hair with a fork. I mean, a FORK! Lolololololololol!
Most private thing I’m willing to admit:
I don’t know my address.
I’m looking for:
Usually, my mom. If I don’t know where she is, I’m a total wreck.
Message me if:
You are cooties-free.
Rose Surnow Tweets @RoseSurnow.