Ask Baba Yaga: How Can I Forgive My Narcissistic Mother?

Dear Baba Yaga,

How can I forgive my narcissistic mother?


Yr mother wore ; a sickly hat full of black ink in its cloth. All her life the hat’s ink leaked down into her skin & brain. ; There is no telling what the world will make. It issues forth & forth. Many wear poisoned hats & dwell in poisoned bodies. These beings are not yrs to forgive. They are & were. Everyone, always, is moving.

Previously: Which Direction Should I Go In?

Taisia Kitaiskaia is a poet and writer living in Austin. She’s taking questions on behalf of Baba Yaga at askbabayaga [at]

Illustration of Baba Yaga’s hut by Katy Horan.