Monsters, Ranked

by Alexandra Molotkow


32. Killer house cats

31. Clowns

30. Werewolves

29. Strange children

28. Ghost children

27. Mists/fogs/etc.

26. Frankenstein’s monster, Karloff

25. Frankenstein’s monster, De Niro

24. Zombies, slow-moving

23. Country people who eat people

22. Sea monsters, mythological

21. Snow monsters, beast

20. Moths

19. Vampires, sexy

18. Vampires, rabid

17. Aliens, Grey

16. Aliens, Aliens

15. Aliens, amorphous

14. Tyrannosaurus rex

13. Demons, generic

12. Demons, Cenobite

11. Demons, sexual

10. Sea monsters, actual (real things that live in the sea)

9. Snow monsters, anthropomorphic

8. Zombies, fast-moving

7. Witches, teenage

6. Witches, adult

5. Baba Yaga

4. Grim reaper

3. Skeletons, menacing

2. Skeletons, delightful

1. “From within”