Neat, Design Your Own Maxi Pad
Kotex is running a new campaign called U by Kotex in which you’re encouraged to design your own fashion pads, design your own fashion-pad-carrying tins, and create a virtual inspiration board from which to draw further inspiration for ever more fashionable maxi pads. I’ve posted mine to the left. It’s really nice, no? Nope. But I entered it in their “Ban the Bland” design challenge, and if I win I’ll get to design maxi pads with Sex and the City stylist Patricia Field. Feel free to enter, as there’s no way anyone can beat me.
And here’s Patricia in a loopy video that mentions nothing about making colorful fashion maxi pads but is, I believe, technically all about making colorful fashion maxi pads:
Are you, too, suddenly realizing how few peace signs tampons have on them?
Update: Oh nice, Cassie designed one, too.
[Thanks, Melissa!]