When it Comes to Drinking Games, Always Let Men Win

There are so many things that women are better at than men (hula-hooping, fancy hairdos, having boobs, empathy, and on and on), but it turns out there’s one (and only one!) thing we don’t do as well: drinking. Boo! C’mon, nature! Yes, it’s long been know that we’re at a disadvantage when it comes to water:

“Alcohol is absorbed into the blood and then carried in water in cells. Because women have less body water than men, they are likely to end up with a higher blood concentration of alcohol after the same amount of drink… [So] concentrations of alcohol reaching a woman’s liver will be so much higher.”

That means if we try to keep up with the guys our livers take more of a beating than theirs do. Sadly, ladies don’t seem to have gotten the message, and now it turns out women are apparently getting more and more liver disease at a young age. Yikes! Something to keep in mind next time you’re trying to drink your boyfriend under the table, I guess. And why don’t we all have a glass of water right now, just to be safe.