Happy Hour: Portugal for Two

by Diana Vilibert

Today, I’d like to share one of my greatest disappointments in life: Hard as I try, I haven’t been able to put together an original, creative “I like my men like I like my coffee” comparison that accurately describes my tastes in both men and coffee. I blame my penchant for lukewarm hot coffee and slightly chilled, un-iced iced coffee.

But part of life is accepting the things you cannot change, and in doing that and closing that door, I’ve opened a window. And that window leads to alcohol. Guys, do you know how many delightful alcohol/men metaphors there are out there?

For instance, this one: I like my men like I like my port — sweet, complex, with pleasant mouthfeel (sorry), and eager to whisk me away on a getaway to Portugal.

A little specific, yes, but the ladies over at Sandeman told me about a nifty contest they’re holding, and judging by some of the delicious creations you guys have shared in the comments in the past, I had to pass it on. The contest, called Mix It Up, calls for you to make your own cocktail using Sandeman Founders Reserve port for a chance to win a trip for two to Oporto, Portugal, including flight, hotel, city tours, and a visit to the Sandeman Cellars (and no, they aren’t paying me to say this).

Below, see what I came up with using what I already had in my apartment, because I didn’t feel like putting on pants and going to the store. Then, make a better one and enter the contest (you’ll bring me if you win, right?) by emailing [email protected] the recipe and photo by June 15. You don’t have to give away your cocktail creation secrets in the comments, but please DO share your best “I like my men like I like my…” Bonus: if you come up with a good coffee one for me, I’ll take you out for a drink and even pay without expecting sexual favors in return.

Sassy Sangria
3 ounces Sandeman Founders Reserve port
1 one-inch watermelon cube
2 ounces cranberry juice
1.5 ounces fresh lemon juice
8 watermelon juice ice cubes (make these by freezing fresh watermelon juice along with small bits of watermelon — about 4 cubes of watermelon for 8 ice cubes)
Club soda

Directions: Muddle one watermelon cube with cranberry juice in a cocktail shaker. Add port and lemon juice, and shake. Then pour over a wine glass filled with eight watermelon juice ice cubes. Add a splash of club soda, and garnish with watermelon slice.

(Note: Again, no one has paid me in money, port, or kittens to write about Sandeman’s Mix It Up contest.)

Diana Vilibert is a freelance drinker and writer in Brooklyn.