Good Morning, Vietnam!!!

The sisters of Alpha Delta Pi are here to terrify you.

UPDATE: The video has been taken down, thank goodness. If you want a taste of rush week, just look at the Pinterest world of recruitment.

Maddy*, recruitment vice-president, Hayley*, chapter president, and Jean-Marie*, former recruitment chair, have been waiting for us all summer and they’re so glad we’re finally here so they can try to get us to join their house club of tan white girls with long straightened hair at the University of Texas at Austin’s chapter of Alpha Delta Pi, boom boom, they wanna wear white and blue, boom boom, and wear that diamond too, boom boom, don’t you?

Wait hold on. Their T-shirts are clearly mint green, right? Also Maddy clearly forgot her belt? Is Jean-Marie’s hair curled at the ends while everyone else’s is straight? And why is Hayley cut off entirely from the video? I feel bad for her, but not as bad as I feel for the disembodied arms and fingers at the back.


ADPi was founded at a private liberal arts college called Wesleyan, no not that one, in Macon, Georgia, originally founded as “Georgia Female College,” and then later changed to “Wesleyan Female College.” Alpha Delta Pi was its first secret society. The sorority’s main philanthropic focus is the Ronald McDonald House Charities. Happy Rush Week!!

*I don’t know how to spell their names so I just guessed.