The Bermuda Triangle of Canadian Highway

“It could just be that some sick people up there realize that women hitchhiking alone are easy pickings. Towns are far apart and there are long stretches of road. Sometimes the radio fades out and there is no cell service. There are logging roads off every highway. If someone has bad intentions, you will find a victim. Someone can go off and drive for an hour and throw a body into a ravine and they would never be found.”
— Uh oh: Women keep spookily disappearing from British Columbia’s Highway 18 — a.k.a. the “Highway of Tears” — and the latest one left behind an empty tent and pickup truck. “We don’t think she just wandered off drunk and fell into the lake,” says a reporter. “It is completely off character. I don’t know if they will ever find her at this point.” Suspects include an old man “with long white hair.” God? Don’t hitchhike! It is supposed to be really pretty up there, though.

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