Nine Ways to Beat the Heat

Nine hot tips for staying cool on warm days.

Photo: Ariane Middel/Flickr

It’s hot outside — man, you better believe it. It’s a heat wave, you might’ve heard, and not the fun kind. What to do? Fall out of your chair and make a big show about how warm you are is one option, but is it the best? What about dig a hole in the ground and jump in? Yes. We’ve explored a few more options in this list:

  1. Put an ice cube on your wrist.
  2. Put a wet washcloth in the freezer and then on your neck.
  3. Take a cold shower.
  4. Lie on the floor very still.
  5. Turn on the fan.
  6. Think about something else.
  7. Eat an ice pop.
  8. Have a cold beer and put the bottle on your forehead.

And finally:

9. Enjoy the warmth.