Read This Old Thing, Follow This Pig

Nobbel Prise such good. Is best most good most shine prise for littersure. Other real good peepul win Nobbel Prise and now me win with them. Peepul like Samull Beckt Tony Morris and Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio. Me no like read but these peepul good write cuz they win Nobbel Prise and that is best prise and now me win cuz me master of cuntempry short story.


Here are two (tue) things that are real good for Tuesday morning. The first is this old Onion piece from when I hadn’t even been born yet in 2013 called “Thunk U For Nobbel Prise, Me Happie Now.” Do you remember it? I hadn’t read it until last night and I’m still laughing. HAhahaha.

“Biggest prise and most best prise. Not as good as Super Bowl prise but best prise for littersure. Most shine. Most twinkly prise.”

The next thing is this pig from Instagram. It’s:

  • tiny
  • cute
  • in possession of hot owners

Here’s a video where the pig is making out with one of the humans:

So many kisses

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Gross! I love it. Look how small:

Tag your bestie ❤

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Being extra naughty today

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I’m dying about this pig:

Kissy face 😘

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Look, it’s a blogger haha:

Replying to all my fan mail

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Weekend means my humans don't have to go to work!!!!

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Woke up from my nap to 5K!!!! 😍

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Belly rub:

When you get a belly rub after a big dinner

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A great pig. Shoutout to Leah for showing me this pig. Shoutout to me for showing you this pig. Shoutout to the pig for being small and having a little smile face and a tiny tum and a pink nosey.