Send Me And Brian On Vacation To Write About Spoon

Kelly Conaboy and Brian Feldman are fans of the band Spoon. In this column they talk about Spoon for one second, give or take.

Kelly: Brian

Kelly: Out of Spoon’s upcoming tour dates where would you like a publication to send us the most

Brian: Milano would be nice, I think

Kelly: Agree

Kelly: For me it’s a toss-up between Barcelona and Lisbon

Brian: Barcelona was second choice

Brian: I’ve heard good things

Kelly: I think it would be really good. And it would be really good for the place that hired us and sent us there and paid for our accommodations

Brian: We could turn in a great piece of writing that would get many uniques for sure

Kelly: It would get at least half as many uniques as the publication needed that quarter

Kelly: And with air bnb etc it wouldn’t even be that expensive for them

Brian: If there’s anyone left who truly cares about great music writing, they’d obviously hire us

Brian: We’re not going to roll over for the suits at MTV

Kelly: No. We’re dedicated to quality music writing and truth and if ANYONE else is this would be a pretty easy way to prove it

Brian: It’s about speaking truth to power

Kelly: Yes.

Kelly: [email protected]

Thank You
