Feminist Fairy Tales

Once upon a time, a woman and a man had the same job. They were paid the same amount. The end.

Once upon a time, a woman didn’t wear make-up. No one cared. The end.

Once upon a time, a woman shared an idea in a meeting. The other members of the meeting later attributed the idea to her. The end.

Once upon a time, a woman and a man were up for the same promotion. The woman had better qualifications. She got the promotion even though she didn’t remind the boss of a younger version of himself. The end.

Once upon a time, a woman spoke. No one interrupted her. The end.

Once upon a time, a woman wanted to make a decision about her body. No one thought it should be their decision instead. The end.

Once upon a time, a woman worked for a male boss who was going through a divorce and just really needed a shoulder to cry on right now. He didn’t bring it up with her at all. The end.

Once upon a time, a man bought a woman dinner and expected nothing in return. The end.

Once upon a time, a man passed a woman he found attractive on the street. He said nothing to her. The end.