Poems on the End of the Academic Year

Have a great summer.

1. On a Report of Travel Expenses

Your report is being processed
And will be available

2. On a Rubric

To proceed to the next
Online rubric
For your course,
Please click on
‘I want to fill out
Another rubric.’

3. On the Room Reservation System

The university’s room reservation system
Is not available for campus users
At this time.
Additionally, space managers are not able
To log into the system
By which rooms are reserved.
Information Systems is working
To resolve the problem.
Currently there is
No estimated time
Of resolution.

4. On TED Talks

The university is pleased
To offer regular screenings
Of TED Talks,
But we also have actual
If you
Prefer those.

5. On a White Paper

Here is a
White paper
For your

6. On a Student Wondering About the Final Exam

This is just to say
That I’m wondering
When our final exam

7. On a Mixer

The Sustainability Faculty Mixer
Is a chance for you
To meet and brainstorm
With local community leaders
About partnerships
And entrepreneurship.

8. On Chairs in the Hallways

The fire marshal
That you not leave
Chairs in the hallways,
Not because
The chairs are ugly,
But because they are
A fire hazard.

9. On Course Approval Forms

Here are some
Course approval forms
To approve or
Not approve.

10. On Grades

You done grading?
You done grading?
You done grading?
You done grading?
You done grading?
You done grading?
You done grading?