A Story A Little Boy Just Told Me

About a dog.


There’s a little boy in my neighborhood who yells “CAN I PET YOUR DOG?” every time he sees me walking my dog. My dog is nice and I love to interact with children, so I let him. (What I don’t like to interact with is: adults.) (They’re always asking me questions about my dog or yelling at me about where he’s peeing. I would say that a child has never yelled at me for where my dog is peeing, but once I was walking another dog and a child yelled at me — unprompted — “DON’T POOP ON OUR FENCE!,” which is similar.) (I wasn’t going to.) Today the little boy neighbor broke our routine of me telling him the dog’s name as if it’s the first time we’ve interacted and him timidly petting the dog as if this situation is not what he asked for specifically and he told me a story, which I would like to share with you now. One time he met a dog at Fairway and the dog was the size of my dog but it was white and he’s not sure if the dog was a boy or a girl but he played with the dog and the dog’s owner was nice.