Katherine Chloé Cahoon Is A News Anchor For Cheyenne, Wyoming’s CBS 5 (KGWN)

Single girl’s guide to meeting KGWN.

Writer, video creator, television guest, Capital One Venture Card spokesperson, and TV news anchor? Yes, it seems Katherine Chloé Cahoon can add one more credit to her impressive resume. This is Kelly Conaboy reporting live from when I saw this Instagram about #Human #Milk #Donations that led me to this video about #Human #Milk #Donations that is #Going #To #Shock #You, though I #Can’t #Embed it on #Medium:

Human Milk Donation and Outreach Center

Incredible. Of all the futures I’d imagined for Katherine Chloé Cahoon (space fashion vlogger, post-nuclear apocalypse dance instructor, bikini beach wrap designer, Times Square M&M store ambassador to Seattle), I’d never once thought of “news anchor and reporter for Cheyenne, Wyoming’s CBS 5 (KGWN).” She is a news anchor and reporter for Cheyenne, Wyoming’s CBS 5 (KGWN), though, and she is basically normal at it.

Laramie County School District 1 has approved a series of changes

Look at how many stories she’s done. And look at her bio:

Katherine joined the KGWN news team in March of 2017 as a Reporter and Anchor. Although this is her first time in Wyoming, she is enjoying her new adventure and already loves Cheyenne.

Katherine graduated with honors from Vanderbilt University with a major in International Media and Management. After college, she worked on scripts with executives from DreamWorks and Warner Bros. and was honored at the Los Angeles Movie Awards and won the Royal Reel Award.

Katherine has also written a travel book that was on Amazon’s best-selling list, and worked as a consultant for Seventeen and Cosmopolitan magazines.

This all led to becoming a guest on about 100 radio and television shows, where she discovered her passion for television. Learning of the way in which news stories impacted people’s lives was what made her decide that she wanted to become a reporter and anchor.

People can surprise you. Sort of. Let’s say — people can surprise you with the fact that they live in Wyoming now and have a job as a reporter, but also they can nonsurprise you when you see a clip of them on CBS 5 in which they appear in a greater capacity than just voiceover and it turns out they are still Katherine Chloé Cahoon, it’s just that now they’re talking about “human milk” instead of “what to say to an Italian man if you run into him on the beach.”

And isn’t that nice?
