I Can’t Wait Until All The Trees Have Leaves Again

It’s going to be so nice.


What a joy to see
Green leaves on a tree
You will say, “who, me?”
Not sure, you a tree?


When the leaves are pink
I can’t even think
A small nature wink 😉
Save you from the brink

Then the pink leaves fall
It’s not fair at all!!!!!!
I wish they would stall
Nev’ go ‘way at all


Green leaves are good too
I don’t mean to boo
Tree, this poem’s for you
For all you’ve been through


There are no leaves yet
Well — some. But don’t fret
Avoid that mindset
On the internet


Can’t wait ’til there’re more
See what there’s in store
No leaves is a bore
And your mom’s a whore


Green, green, green, green, green
Green you are my queen
Green like a green bean
Green like Frankenstein


For now trees are bare
Like a man’s affair
We all see it there
Is he not aware?


But soon we’ll have leaves
Stealing joy like thieves
Give to us in heaves
I really do believe-s


What a joy to see
Green leaves on a tree
You will say, “who, me?”
Yes, you; you, a tree