Did You Do Your Taxes?

Just making conversation.


Did you do your taxes? Recently, like over the weekend? That’s great. I think you did a great job, if you did your taxes recently, like over the weekend. Some might look down on you for waiting until the last minute, but I don’t. I look up to you. You didn’t wanna do them more than anybody — that’s obvious — and you still did them. Great job. (I did them over the weekend.) If you did your taxes over the weekend or plan on doing them later today I think you should get yourself a treat, like a donut. (If you’re doing them later today you should wait to get yourself a treat until you’re finished. Be fair. [You should get the treat tomorrow morning and it should be a donut.])

I love you!

This song is so great. G-I-R-L-F-R-E-N.