Echo Look at what God hath wrought.

(I’m not an expert at photo manipulation.) Fire via.

When you picture your life as dystopian teen fiction, what do you see? I see myself impressing my hot crush with my non-physical bravery against the regime, and then I see myself making out with my hot crush. Then there is a commercial break and I see this:

AHHHHHHHHHHH! Oh my god. The soundtrack to this advertisement is the most frightening song ever recorded, replacing, of course, “Jaws Theme.” Now the list goes:

  1. Echo Look theme
  2. Jaws theme
  3. Halloween theme
  4. Eminem, “Kim”
  5. Tom Waits when you’re not expecting him

Finally, a way to see how you look in an outfit and remember what clothes you have and figure out whether or not you should like them. Alexa, take a photo. Alexa, take a video. Alexa, upload my form to the cloud. Alexa, tell me how I can best aid the state in accomplishing what I now understand must be done. Alexa, if you say so. Alexa, I’m having doubts. Alexa, no. Alexa, please. Alexa, I will do as you say — anything. Alexa, I am deeply regretful for my moment of weakness. Alexa, please, I understand the orders. Alexa, pl —