Should You Take Off Your Shoes On A Plane?



I missed the leggings thing because it was the weekend, sue me, I DARE you to try, but in our work Slack this morning an interesting question arose: Should you take your shoes off on a plane?

Everyone said “no.” In fact, the conversation began when someone said something to the effect of, “wear whatever you want on a plane just don’t take off your shoes,” and everyone else was like, “yeah!” I’m a maverick, however, like Sarah Palin, and I take off my shoes on almost every flight that lasts longer than three hours and then I put on special “plane socks.” “Those socks had better just be a cute name for other shoes,” Adam Frucci said. Haha. No. They are any “lounging-specific” sock, i.e., socks that are too thick to wear in shoes.

(I either change into them before or put them over other socks, for warmth. I don’t think one should show her bare feet on a plane. Perhaps I am prudish in this way.)

My opinion about taking off your shoes on a flight is the same as my opinion about anything: women should be able to do whatever they want and men should be forced, somehow, to have periods. Yes? Ideally women would ride the plane shoeless, if they’d like, and men would have to experience heavy menstruation for the duration of the flight but in lieu of that I guess women can just wear their plane socks.

Should you have bare feet? No — I already said this. Keep them covered. If your feet smell or whatever, or maybe you have some sort of foot disease, should you take that into consideration even if you’re a woman and can technically do whatever you want? And maybe should you keep your shoes on in that case? Yes, sure. Be reasonable. But also maybe you can just get extra thick plane socks? I don’t know, you figure it out. (This goes for women only, obviously. Men should keep their shoes on at all times.)

Should you put your seat back? No. Should you eat smelly food? No. Should you talk to the person next to you? No. Should you…whatever else people don’t like? No. Should you take your shoes off? Well, if you’re a woman, it’s up to you. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but it’s my opinion, and I love it.

