Does Anybody Like This Song Or Just Me?

The Zayn and Taylor Swift song.

Good morning. It’s Friday, which is good but a few days late. It should have been Friday on Wednesday. I have a question. Why don’t people talk about liking this song? Huh? Is it because they don’t? Is it because Taylor Swift didn’t go to a Women’s March? Is it because Zayn is too handsome and he makes everyone nervous? Is it because they do talk about it, just not to me? And is that because I’m not great socially? And I make people a little uncomfortable? And they’d rather talk to someone else? It’s interesting to think about. Anyway, it’s an all right song, at least to me. I like it enough. I at least like when I hear it on the radio.

I like the “baby, baby” part the best.

Baby, baby!