One Direction’s Week in Review: 1/16

The band is on a break, but the boys aren’t.

photo: @allysongross

One Direction last performed together on a Sunday night, Dec. 13th, 2015, on the season finale of the British iteration of “The X Factor.” They sang a single from their fifth album, accepted accolades from Simon Cowell and others, and then vanished into the night to begin a hiatus with no end-date. Between them, in the months since they last took the stage, they have officially announced very little — four solo record deals, the birth of a child, the founding of a golf management company. But each week they are out in the world, doing things, going places. This is what we know.

On Sunday, Harry Styles tweeted in support of the women’s marchers worldwide. “Yesterday was amazing,” he wrote. Was he there? We don’t know. No one saw him, and if they did, they aren’t talking, but we do know that many of his friends — including Radio 1 DJ Nick Grimshaw—did march in London, Harry’s last known location. At least, it was, until he arrived at LAX on Sunday wearing a Gucci sweater embroidered with a daffodil, a cherub, a snake, a star, a sacred heart, two birds, two fish, and the word “spaceboy.”

On Friday, Louis Tomlinson smoked in the club without consequence (well, yet). On Saturday, he celebrated his son’s first birthday in Los Angeles. Sunday, he went to the club, then flew to New York. On Monday, he was spotted on Vanderbilt Ave. in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn, which is not a place where one would expect to find him (a club in Williamsburg, sure). He had in-ears around his neck and was probably smoking outside a practice space, in this expert’s opinion.

On Wednesday, Niall Horan won a People’s Choice Award for Favorite Breakout Artist. Congratulations, Niall.

Liam Payne was inside a club in West Hollywood on Monday when there was a shooting at the door. Well, a shot was fired. A shooting of a gun, not of a person. The semantics of gunfire, gunmen, gun incidents. What’s AP style for this (I’m not going to Google it.). Oh no, Liam! He’s okay. He’s also apparently still expecting a kid with his girlfriend Cheryl Ann Cole Tweedy Fernandez-Versini, but no one’s said anything about that. Well, none of the primary actors. Crazy Days and Nights says this: “Something very fishy going on with the ‘pregnancy’ of this foreign born singer/celebrity/reality star with the million last names. Lots of ‘leaks,’ to keep up the story, but also lots of reality that doesn’t add up.” I don’t know about you, but I love stories where “pregnancy” is “put” “in” “quotation” “marks.” Intrigue. Gossip. Fake babies. The One Direction story.

Notable Adjacent News

Charlie Puth told MTV UK a well-documented story about how he blew up Harry Styles’ spot once time at a sushi restaurant, but on this telling, he revealed that he has hung out with Harry Styles in a trailer. “[Harry] pokes fun at me now like ‘you’re not gonna tweet that we’re at this trailer now are you?!’” What kind of trailer, Charlie? Airstream trailer? Dunkirk trailer? Music video set trailer? Just the once, the hang in the trailer? More than once? More questions than answers on this one, folks.