Are You a “Taraji P. Henson” or a “Jimmy Buffett”?

Take our quiz and find out!

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[singing] You say either and I say either, you say neither and I say neither, either, either, neither, neither, let’s call the whole thing off! … You like potato and I like potahto, you like tomato and I like tomahto, potato, potahto, tomato, tomahto, let’s call the whole thing off! … You’re Taraji P. Henson and I’m Jimmy Buffett, or am I Taraji P. Henson and you’re Jimmy Buffett, Taraji P. Henson, Jimmy Buffett, Taraji P. Henson, Jimmy Buffett, let’s call the whole thing — ON!

In this quiz!

As you know, in this world you’re either a Taraji P. Henson or a Jimmy Buffett. Up until now, the fact that everyone was one or the other was all we knew for sure. Making the distinction between the “Taraji P. Henson”s and the “Jimmy Buffett”s was always a bit of a guessing game — more an art than a science — and left many with bruised egos (“No, I’m a Taraji!”) and hurt feelings (“I’ve been a Buffett my whole life!”).

It was just like that — until now.

This information was under embargo until today, and we’re so excited to share it with you. Below you’ll find a definitive test — definitive, for the very first time! — that allows participants to discover whether they are, in fact, a Taraji P. Henson or a Jimmy Buffett.

Let that sink in for a second.

It is obviously an incredible day for science and for humanity. Please, take the quiz and discover…yourself.



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