Good Things to Do

Don’t you deserve something nice after last night? Oh, yes you do.

Image: Patrick Truby

It’s a brand new morning on a Tuesday, which is one of the better days. It’s overcast outside, but maybe where you are it’s not overcast, and isn’t that nice? It’s so nice when it isn’t overcast, and also sometimes when it is. We all had a bad night together last night even though we didn’t have to and shouldn’t have, but we’ve made it to the next morning, and now everything is good. Yes? Mm. Here are some good things to do to feel better now:

Have a Coffee

A coffee is going to be great. If you’ve already had a coffee, have another coffee. If you’ve already had two coffees: do you need another coffee? I’m not trying to judge you. Depending on how you body might react to having a little more coffee than it can handle, go ahead and have a third coffee.

Go Outside to Get a Donut

A donut is going to be great. It’s not an everyday treat, but it is a sometimes treat, and today is one of those days. It’s important to enjoy yourself.

Lie on the Ground Outside Donut Shop and Close Your Eyes

Oh no, it seems you haven’t made it into the donut shop. Well, that’s OK. It’s fine out here, too, on the ground outside.

Ignore Everything Around You

There are going to be people who want your attention. This is your time.

Imagine Yourself Descending Into Hell

You feel the ground sink beneath you and instead of fear you feel peace. The scent of sulfur and the feeling of heat welcome you.

Sink Into the Ground

Just a little at first.

And Then More

Allow your body to sink a little deeper into the ground outside of the donut shop, not a care in your head.

Notice Everyone Around You Doing the Same

Well, it seems you’ve started a trend. Everyone around you is lying down and gradually sinking into the ground.

Dance Within the Lake of Fire With All Your New Friends, the Smoke of Their Torment Going Up Forever and Ever, Having No Rest Day and Night


The End