Weekend Reminder, Do Not Flush Your Tampons

Have fun, be safe, make good choices!!!!!!

From Buzzfeed’s DEFINITIVE PERIOD SURVEY. Take it.

Tampon-flushing is like the not-flossing of feminine hygiene—a lot of people do it even though they know it’s wrong. I’m not going to write a whole article about the reasons why because it’s been done so many times before but if you need some light, medium, or heavy reading this weekend, please check out the following:

Time to Accept Reality and Stop Flushing Tampons Down the Toilet

Len with the three Ps!!

What You Can and Can’t Flush Down The Toilet

This is more generally about tampons and but busts some good myths:

The Best Tampons

Apparently according to Tampax’s website, you’re supposed to dispose of them in the trash can but the Jez link was broken and I got this…incredible error page?


What Goes Down Drain Eventually Bobs Up Here


Wet Wipes Box Says Flush. New York’s Sewer System Says Don’t.

Wipes too, sorry. (It’s almost like the bidet kind of makes sense when you think about it, right???)

Why You Shouldn’t Flush Tampons (really)

Hmmm, disagree with that art.

How to Dispose of Tampons

That’s the truth. If you don’t like it then maybe you should try diva cups or period underwear or an IUD and just not get your period at all!!! P.S. single men, please get a garbage can for your bathroom. P.P.S. single ladies, if he doesn’t have one, then leave the damn thing on the kitchen counter, right in his Chemex.