Just Fiona Apple Music Videos, Essentially

It’s the 20th anniversary of Fiona Apple’s “Tidal.” Heyyy

This might sound conceited, but Fiona Apple is one of my favorite artists of all time because all of her songs are about me, and sometimes even though it’s the same song it’s — depending on when I listen to it — about two different things that have happened to me. Speaking of Fiona Apple, I was online today and came across this good post from Tom Breihan on Stereogum:

Tidal Turns 20

As you can tell from the headline, Tidal turns 20. Albums seem to have anniversaries more now than they ever did and pretty much always who cares, but sometimes it’s nice to remember. Like, remember this?

[Singing] AND DON’T FOR-GET THE BLAA-A-AAAME! What about this, remember this?

Really good. [Singing] I’ve been a bad, baaad girl. And this one is really good:

Damn. [Singing] I was onto eeevery puh-laaAAAAAAYYYeee I-eee ju-uust whun-ted youu. Damn! What else? Oh, remember this:

A great album. And she made it when she was, like, six years old. And then she only made better ones after that. How old are you, and what have you ever done?