Hillary Wins* On The Strength Of A Single Tweet

If only we could vote with our faves and retweets.

There are only a hundred and fifty-one days left until around sixty-something percent of the population goes to the polls to vote in an extremely confusing and mostly pre-figured way because of the electoral college and also gerrymandering, so rest assured this is just the beginning and she will inevitably make another gaffe and another great tweet or two thanks to some clued-in young people working in her Brooklyn bunker, and there will probably a viral video and celeb endorsements and Snapchat interviews and lowkey meme acknowledgments followed by that knowing look—did I do it correctly, did you see I did the thing? So I’m memorializing this moment here and now so we can look back on it later and laugh at how we lost our shit over a tweet and thought maybe this is the one that fixes everything, that makes it all go away, that makes the election season suddenly grind to a halt and just, well, what exactly did you think was going to happen? This tweet isn’t everything, it’s nothing.

*hearts and minds

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