Did you know that all of the O.C. soundtracks are available on Spotify??

And other non-rhetorical questions posed by email subject lines between sisters

Photo: Erik Hersman/Flickr

Have you talked to Dad lately?

Why can’t I find this song that all of us sang to each other in our childhoods on the internet? Did we collectively make this up?

If I can’t find a link to “I’m Getting Married in a Trash Can” from Sesame Street can I still get married?

Can you call Mom before she assumes you’re dead?

Are these pants weird?

Remember when I told you that middle children are smartest?

Did I send you this article about successful oldest children?

Was anyone going to tell me that this person died?

Am I too old to wear headbands like this?

Do you remember that girl from youth group who was struck by lightning twice?

Have you ever cooked a turkey?

Do I owe you money?

Too creepy?

When will I learn not to make my life harder?

Can you send Mom a link to Snopes again?

Do you still have that shirt you borrowed two years ago?


Are these your socks?

Did you mean to leave this headband at my house?

Evidence of witch powers?

Does this house look haunted to you?

Is it worth saving money on a house if you have to hire an exorcist?

Are you going to Christmas this year?

What are you wearing to Christmas?

Did you know Zoboomafoo died?

Would Grandma like note cards and stamps for Christmas?

What is a good present for a 95-year old woman?

Will you go halfsies with me on 96 scratch-off lotto tickets for Grandma’s birthday?

Please tell me you got Grandma a birthday present. I forgot. Can we split whatever you got?

Erinn Salge is a librarian and writer living with her husband and dog in northern New Jersey.