The Mist

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The cool-looking “Secret World Inside You” exhibition at the American Museum of Natural History opened this past weekend, but they’ve also posted highlights and related material online, including this long and stressful article/slideshow about antibiotics. But at least it seems generally okay to stop bathing. Plus there’s also that amazing mist. (It is also “Microbiome Monday.”)

Elsewhere: More microbiome news.

Or: Cute animals in natural camo.

Or, no reason, this neat Morse code translator. Or should I say .. / . — .- -. — / . — . . — — . — . .-.. . / -. . .- .-. -… -. — / — — — / — …. .. -. -.- / .. / .- — / -.. — — .. -. — . / … — — — . — …. .. -. — . / … — .-. .- -. — . . / .- -. -.. / .. — . — . — — .-. — .- -. — / — — -. / — -. — / -.-. — — — . — . ..- — . .-.