Why I Hate Glasses

by The Awl

I didn’t know when I woke up this morning that something horrible was about to happen, but in hindsight I should have, because my glasses, when I reached for them blindly from my position in bed, were not where I expected them to be: they were a few inches to the left. It was 8:15 am, and we’d all slightly — happily, I thought — overslept. My daughter needed to be at school at 9:00 am, so we had to move pretty quickly to make that happen. I jumped out of bed, went into the bathroom to splash water on my face, brush my teeth, and put my contact lenses in before going to get my daughter up. This is what I do every morning: Even if the baby is crying in her crib, I at least do the water and the contacts. I can sometimes get away with not brushing my teeth for a while, but I cannot abide by wearing my glasses for longer than it takes me to get from my bedside to the bathroom.

Read the rest at The Awl.