What Is The Most Hurtful Thing You Can Say To A Man

Tell me, quick, I need to know.

JK, we already found out!!

What was said I wouldn’t say to my worst enemy. To stop so low is not only unacceptable but also beyond belief.

— Stanislas Wawrinka (@stanwawrinka) August 13, 2015

That’s my weird cousin and/or boyfriend Czech-German Swissman Stan Wawrinka, who is playing in the Rogers Cup in Montreal, where the sleazy Australian (of course) kiddo named Nick Kyrgios said to him that someone else was sexually intimate with Wawrinka’s lady-friend once. Can you believe?

Oh the emasculation.

But yes:

During the second round tie at the Canadian event, an on-court microphone picked up Kyrgios telling the Swiss two-times grand slam champion, “Kokkinakis banged your girlfriend. Sorry to tell you that mate.”

I mean really the whole thing is a TINY bit awkward because the girlfriend is apparently Donna Vekić (uh, a boss-ass tennis player by the way) but Wawrinka only re-broke-up with his wife in April (to focus on his CAREER). Anyway.

The other best part of this whole stupid thing is:

“Nill Kyrgios, mother of Nick, joined the row in defence of her son before deleting her Twitter account.”


It wasn’t even that good as an episode of trash-talking really, but, we appreciate that tennis is a mental game and you do what you have to do.


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