Weekend Roundup/Open Thread

Hello, and welcome to your weekend. I’ll be your hostess for the next 48 hours. We will be visiting Ikea and assembling furniture while watching The X-Files on Netflix. Please bring snacks, cigarettes, and some very cold beers.

No, jk, you can do whatever you want this weekend. We certainly did whatever we wanted this week, so why stop now?! Alexandria decided to re-define some popular emojis, for example. Alex and I decided there are 32 things that exist only in your head. Choire decided to delete all his tweets. I decided that Scully and Mulder were fucking from the very first episode of X-Files and I won’t hear any arguments against it!!!! I also decided which underwear is the best and Alex decided which nü metal songs are the best. We are right in all matters.

Alex also investigated some memories from childhood, defined “twee” once and for all, ate some non-vegetables, and introduced her excellent new column entitled “Dad Music.” I talked about my secret favorite genre of film and shared the results of a deeply scientific nail polish survey. Helen freaked the fuck out about Lana del Rey, Taylor Swift, and other songs for yearning in August.

Well. I guess I should go pack. I’m moving this weekend!! Pray 4 Haley.