It’s our girl Naomi Zeichner, the editor of Fader, talking about getting rid of your digital garbage:

At some point in the past year or two, I started regularly deleting most of my tweets. Sometimes I delete almost immediately, because I feel like it, or because someone responds with a comment I find offensive or somehow corny. After live-tweeting an event, I’ll comb back and trash anything that didn’t meaningfully connect. Sometimes I delete weeks after the fact, while I’m checking in on my profile, thinking about how it comes off in aggregate. Beyond Twitter, I erase text message exchanges to make space on my phone for selfies I’ll delete later too. I untag photos people have taken of me. On weekends, I delete emails for fun.

Behaving this way, I guess I’m treating my thoughts like actual garbage. There’s infinitely more room on Twitter’s cloud than in my New York apartment, but I still want to clean up my feed like it’s my bedroom, eliminating things that don’t have a purpose anymore or don’t make me feel impressed with myself. I’m not the world’s tidiest person IRL — it’s just that the clutter I do accumulate disgusts me. Hoarding anything is just an opportunity to feel more regret, more times.
