Ask Baba Yaga: Which Direction Should I Go In?

Dear Baba Yaga,

I am blessed with many interests, talents, and desires. They pull me in different directions, thereby assuring that movement is forever lateral and never forward. How do I determine which of these fires to stoke?


Whether or not you may say so, there is always ; one fire louder than the others, more consuming., Who knows why — maybe the twigs it devours are aged best, maybe the wind is stillest around it. It is not for you to think on. Let this fire get too ; big. Let it threaten the forest. Let it eat the other fires around it, until they are living in it. You will see ; abandonment of yr smaller flames is not needed to grow yr wildest, most dangerous one.

Previously: How Do I Break Out Of My Hermit Shell?

Taisia Kitaiskaia is a poet and writer living in Austin. She’s taking questions on behalf of Baba Yaga at askbabayaga [at]

Illustration of Baba Yaga’s hut by Katy Horan.