Weekend Roundup/Open Thread

Aaaaaah this song. Ah thiiiiiiiiiiis song. Ahhh this soooooonnnggggggggg!! This is a good song, is my point.

Well. What a…disgusting week! And I say that with all the love in my heart. Alex started off by talking about disgusting forms of intimacy and went on to rename bugs with some more appropriately disgusting titles, as well as rank the forms of disgusting scenes of horror happening all around us in the place some call “nature.” I catalogued the ways my body has been a disgusting mess this week, boys, you can line up here for a shot at this disgusting flesh prison. Naomi did some very important and very disgusting linguistics work for us and we are eternally grateful. And what’s more disgusting than lust? Nothing.

Some questions asked this week included: where did this image come from? Where can I poop while out and about? Why am I so insatiable? What misandrist television show can I watch with a male-gendered sex partner? What is eating pussy like for these five men?

We also ranked male fashion trends, investigated the teen fans of the world, and introduced a brand new product called Vocal Fries. We learned how to be our own life coach AND how to cook our own Tenderonis, which, if you think about it, is kind of the same thing.

This weekend, I plan on finding a dark cool cave where I will hide from the heat. What dry and cool burrow will you be nestling into?

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