Weekend Roundup / Open Thread

Well, I guess we’re officially a Janet Jackson blog now. Not mad.

This was a long week, right? Or was that just me? No, I think it was unnaturally long. It feels like a million years ago that I was just a wide-eyed Canadian, trying to make sense of the strange and magical customs in your nation’s capital. Since then, we’ve ranked our irrational fears, some “alternative” crushes, and some truly terrible songs for ~fucking~. We tried to make sense of what is good and why we do said good things, figured out a theory of subtweeting, reflected on two very different movies that came out twenty years ago, defined some feelings that we’ve yet to see words for, thought about our faces, and starting working on our fall looks.

Rachel Giese spoke with sex educator and children’s author Cory Silverberg, and it was delightful. Naomi Skwarna took us down the sandy memories of her childhood, and it was delightful. Lucy Betz told us about her teen years spent idolizing the classic rock scene, and it was delightful. Are you noticing a pattern here? Susan Elizabeth Shepard certainly found one when she realized the similarities between Magic Mike XXL and The Wizard of Oz. Open your eyes sheeple etc.

Durga Chew-Bose returned with her second installment of a much-improved Proust Questionnaire. My idea of perfect happiness on a 7pm in July is a phone date with a far-away friend while sitting in a nearby park, asking them to answer some of these questions. I would highly recommend that you do the same.

See you Monday!