Some Highlights From #UnfollowAMan

Haven’t decided which man to unfollow for #UnfollowAMan Day. Y’all should tweet me opinions about Woody Allen or something to make it easy.

— Lindsey Adler (@Lahlahlindsey) July 28, 2015

Happy #UnfollowAMan day 2.0!!! ��I unfollowed so many last year that I may have to follow one just to unfollow him today

— Katie Heaney (@KTHeaney) July 28, 2015

#UnfollowAMan is The Purge for us girls who once felt obligated to follow the slightly intimidating boys in our improv class

— er0b (@er0b) July 28, 2015

Unfollowing a man you felt vaguely obligated to follow 3 years ago = taking off your bra after a long day. Enjoy it. #UnfollowAMan

— Katie Notopoulos (@katienotopoulos) July 28, 2015

*extremely ally voice* ladies i hope you unfollow me for #unfollowaman day 🙂

— brian feldman (@bafeldman) July 28, 2015

Dear Everyone Who For Some Reason Didn’t Unfollow Me On #UnfollowAMan Day, Thank you. I appreciate it. Love, Me

— Hayes Brown (@HayesBrown) July 28, 2015

Also, for #UnfollowAMan I unfollowed the flakiest, rude poodle puff who stood me up twice because I’m too hot for that shiz

— Jess Forkell (@Sporkell) July 28, 2015

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