Contemporary Fine Art That Also Looks Like Minions

by Johannah King-Slutzky

1. Ree Morton, Ladder (Signs of Love).
1976. Enamel on celastic. Alexander and Bonin Gallery

2. Paul Morado, Gluttony (Gula).
Acrylic on Canvas. Agora Gallery.

3. Minion.

4. Paul Sonabend, Band.
Acrylic on Canvas. Agora Gallery.

5. Tip Toland, Grace Flirts.
2008. Stoneware, paint, pastel, hair. Travers Gallery.

6. Minion.

7. Alex Hoda, Gum Small Edition (Gold).
2015, gold plated sterling silver. Cass Sculpture Foundation.

8. Iain Edwards, Reinventing the Wheel.
1998. Painted steel and redwood. Cass Sculpture Foundation.

9. Minion.

10. Jonathas de Andrade, Nostalgia, sentimento de classe, Nostalgia, a class sentiment.
2012. Automotive paint on 348 square or triangular fiber glass pieces, digital print and black adhesive vinyl. Alexander and Bonin.

11. Paul Sonaband, No title listed.
Courtesy of the artist.

12. Ryan Michael Ford, Pups McQueen.
2014. Oil on canvas. Asya Geisberg Gallery.

13. Minion.

14. Eduardo Pola, Mandala.
Oil and pyrogravure on wood. Agora Gallery.

15. Mi Yeon Chang, Blossom10.
2015. Colored on mulberry paper. Artflow Gallery.

16. Nancy Azara, Three Feathers II.
2013. Wood, egg tempera, gold leaf, aluminum leaf. Asya Geisberg Gallery.

17. Minion.

18. Helga Zumstein, Berlin Wall 2.
Acrylic on canvas. Agora Gallery.

19. Minion.

20. Andy Cross, Saturn’s Moon.
2014. Oil and resin on canvas over panel. Courtesy of the artist.

21. Sarah Ortmeyer, KOKO II.
2015. Inkjet printer ink, paper, red powder blush, eggs. Bodega.

h/t Tristan Bravinder, Sarah Waldorf and Miranda Sklaroff at the Getty Museum for their Alabastron Greek perfume flask inspiration.

Johannah King-Slutzky is a blogger and essayist from New York City.