Addendum to the Proust Questionnaire, Pt. 2

by Durga Chew-Bose

My dream celebrity group text, dead or alive

The last task I abandoned impulsively, without scruples or delayed apology

The last person’s shoulder I rested my head on

The last thing I painstakingly handled with care

Something I regularly toss

The quality I desire most in my work wife/husband

In the throes of summer, AC or ceiling fan

At my lowest, I treat myself to

At my most broke, I treat myself to

The person I imagine arriving late to my funeral, slyly sneaking in, and sitting in the last row

The friend I am likely texting, emailing, gchatting, and @-ing on Instagram, all at once

I feel most beautiful during which season

A book I never finished reading

The disambiguation of my name on Wikipedia would yield the following results

My emergency contact

The last person who gave me flowers

The quality I most desire in a chair

The quality I most desire in a diner

The quality I most desire in a denim jacket

A celebrity beef that sent me spiraling into an existential crisis

The texture that most recalls my childhood

The last time I felt “young”

When and where was I last restless

Which gesture of mine invariably reveals my restlessness

A gif that could double as my email signature

The most intuitive autocorrect I’ve experienced

A word I always, without fail, misspell

The first thing that comes to mind when I hear the word “pink”

A promise I keep making and breaking

My idea of perfect happiness at 7pm on a Friday in July

Durga Chew-Bose is a writer living in Brooklyn.