Weekend Roundup / Open Thread

Oooh, I cannot stop listening to this song. Apologies to the people who sit beside me on the subway, or the person who lives in my apartment, or to my brain, but I just need it. I have no plans for Sunday, and I intend on keeping it that way, so I might just lie down on a sunny patch of grass somewhere and listen to this song for twelve straight hours. You know. Normal weekend things.

What did we do this week? To refresh your memory: we wished we had lost our virginities in a place as cool as the fucking Catacombs, like good lord, what a story. We (I) got really lazy and just slapped a bunch of moisturizer in our (my) hair; it worked out pretty well, I think!! Alex talked about what it means to like Hall and Oates, the founders of oatmeal, as well as how to live alone AND about teaching affirmative consent. We are truly blessed to have her share so much knowledge. Laura shared her controversial opinion about guitars being cool. Please note that The Hairpin does not necessarily share this incendiary and inflammatory opinion. Jk, guitars are totally cool.

Anupa talked about using self-care as a way to be a better human and Frankie shared what it’s like to be a bisexual woman on OKCupid. Emma downloaded Tinder and wrote a gorgeous poem about it, and Baba Yaga just wants to help us stop eating so many sweets. I came very, very close to buying a pair of white jeans, but alas, couldn’t bring myself to do it. I guess that’s another thing I could do on Sunday?

Also, you have just two more hours to subscribe to The New Inquiry and potentially win one of their #rare #misandry tote bags. I have both a subscription AND a tote bag, it’s great!! Highly recommend.

What songs are you listening to on repeat? What clothing items are you probably not going to buy? How long do you plan on lying still in a sunny patch of grass? Let me know in the comments, please.

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