Ask Baba Yaga: Has My Heart Grown Stone Cold?

Baba alcoholism

Transcript after the jump.

Dear Baba Yaga,

My older sister suffers from alcoholism and pill addiction. I have watched with horror as she has steadily ruined her life. I used to feel so bad for her, go to extremes to try and help her, and worry over her safety and well-being. In the last year, I have learned to absolve myself of any responsibility over her, and to just let go. But now, I’m worried, because when I look into her eyes as she breaks down in tears in front of me, I feel almost nothing. Has my heart grown stone cold?


Stones are made by looking at the earth too long, & having no movement to change what is seen. You : have many hearts, most of them beat as bloodly as any. It is their knowing to bow down to the sorrow of the stone among them & wish to look on less hardening happenings.

Previously: How Can I Make The Most Of My Time?

Taisia Kitaiskaia is a poet, writer, and Michener Center for Writers fellow. She’s taking questions on behalf of Baba Yaga at [email protected].