Weekend Roundup / Open Thread

What a sexy sex week this has been! Well, I suppose that depends on your definition of “week.” And “sex.” We read The Least Sexy Sex Poem and learned to differentiate between the common slang term for an orgasm and the name of a common spice, which, sure. On the other end of the emotional arousal spectrum, we started our first Hairpin Q&A with our fears: fun!! If you haven’t added yours yet, please do, and also take the time to read through the other answers. It’s like a database of new terrors.

Speaking of terrors, Olds better watch out: Jamie’s millennial revenge fantasy could become a reality at any moment. The Snapchat Day of Judgment is at hand. Our beauty tips inspired by Millennium is basically the most horrifying thing ever but also I do want eyebrows that radiate sexual competence so. I’ll probably never sleep again. Luckily we already discussed how to cover up undereye circles and Natalie’s cleaning tips will disperse any dusty spirits hanging around. Or we could just sail around the world as the only passenger on a cargo freight ship and leave our fears behind us, just a thought.

We also had some really productive conversations this week! Hazel and Gabby told us how to extreme selfie (hint: maybe don’t?) and Kerensa spoke with the producers of the new documentary Iris. Anupa spoke with Jessica Hopper about her (wonderful) new book, and Fariha talked to Ana Cecilia Alvarez about her personal definition of self-care.

Wow. That was a lot of emotions. I think I’m going to need an entire weekend just to process all of these feelings. What are YOU doing this weekend? What have you been feeling this week? As always, please share in the comments, and bring all your feelings back here on Monday.

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