Weekend Roundup / Open Thread

AaAaaaAAahHhhHhhhhhHh Friday. What a wild and crazy week this was!! I mean, I spent most of it in the office typing and occasionally quietly loling and then quickly looking up to see if anyone noticed, but it felt crazy. How was your week? What did you do? What did you wear? I wore sneakers one day!! It was liberating.

This week we ended by celebrating World Goth Day and the characters from Literotica stories who are “domes.” Sofia spoke to the founders of Discwoman and Baba Yaga assuaged our money/work-related fears. If you’re feeling lazy, Sulagna has the perfect Indian recipes for you; if you’re feeling pathetic, Alex has the perfect playlist; if you’re feeling like you want a bra, Denise knows just how to help you. Perhaps the most important thing we did this week was this list. Do you agree with our rankings? Disagree? TELL US.

Hairpin contributor Sarah Hagi had a really lovely essay on Buzzfeed Ideas this week. Here’s a particularly good paragraph:

Growing up in Canada, we’re told we’re a part of a “cultural mosaic,” a group of cultures and languages that co-exist — distinct from America’s melting pot of cultural assimilation. The trouble with the mosaic approach is that being different is the last thing anyone wants growing up, no matter where you or your parents were born. I was Canadian enough to not be an outcast, but there were still constant reminders that I would never be seen as fully Canadian. Some things, like my skin color and headscarf, seemed to give others permission to ask where I was really from. As I grew older, remittance became one of the most subtle and most meaningful reminders of my heritage.

You can read the whole thing here.

And I know everyone has been posting this Jamie xx song all week, but I mean, why stop now? Let’s listen to it a few more times before heading into our long weekend. We’ll be back on Tuesday. What will you be doing? What will you wear?? May I suggest: sneakers. Ok let me know byeeeeee.

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