Weekend Roundup / Open Thread

#TBT to when I was living at my moms last year & would waist train with my fave @premadonna87 @waistgangsociety & steal clothes from @kyliejenner’s closet! LOL

A photo posted by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) on May 7, 2015 at 9:05am PDT

Oh wow, Friday already, where has this week gone?! It’s all been a haze of sneezes and sniffles for me because it turns out I have seasonal allergies now, who knew, but considering that very serious scientists have labelled this a “pollen tsunami” it’s entirely possible you are suffering through the same thing. Someone who shall remain nameless asked me if I am allergic to “tree sperm” and I have declined to answer on the grounds that the question was gross, but…yes.

Maybe the week went by so fast because there was so much good stuff to read!! We talked about Bluets, which if you haven’t read yet, I’d highly recommend you do so now, I always re-read it when it gets really hot out. We talked about our moms: Meredith took us on a tour of some thoroughly modern murdering mothers, and Anna reassured herself that while she may not be the best child, she’s certainly not the most cannibalistic child on the planet. Sarah wrote about her experiences as a queer mother, and Naomi’s essay on the absence of her mother as the holiday approaches was heartbreaking and honest and hilarious and entirely deserving of one more read, every time I read it I find a new line to love. Alex spoke to her mom, Wendy, about privacy, and Randi regaled us with the weirdest beauty tips from the incredibly beautiful and stylish Mrs. Bergman, while Alison reminded us of Jane Fonda’s burning muscles.

I’m not afraid to ask the hard questions, which is why in this week’s Beauty School Dropout I asked: what the heck is going on with my nails? Answer: idk. Baba Yaga answers the hard questions about living with a rat and Wendy has some tips on being productive, kind of.

And finally, I present to you the single greatest thing on the Internet of all time: every single outfit Alicia Florrick has worn on The Good Wife set to Kanye West’s “The Good Life.” You are so, so welcome.

Did you see that there’s an excerpt of Monica’s book in The New Yorker, and did you read Hannah’s genius piece on Trina? If you didn’t, well, there’s no time like the present!! Right now I am slowly finishing this brilliant piece on Kris Jenner because I am all about the Kardashian Kontent™ these days and all days. Go forth and read! Enjoy your weekend! Wear sunscreen!!! Love, Mom.

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