Ask Baba Yaga: What Does It Mean To Be A Mother?

Baba child

Transcript after the jump.

Dear Baba Yaga,

I just gave birth to a beautiful boy. I love him and am happy to be his mother, but I struggle with what motherhood means in our culture. By turns I feel frumpy, out of shape and touch, sexless, looked down on, pitied, and, worst of all, patronized.

I’m tired of the tacit assumption that my life is over because I’ve had a child. Men don’t have that problem. The worst part is, I feel my identity as a mother could, and should, be a great source of strength and pride. Do you have any wise words I can remember the next time I encounter pastel everything or flagrant sexism or stupid Internet mommy wars?


You have made a creature.
You have made a creature.
You have made a creature.

I know of no happening more strange, mysterious, witchly, frightful, powerful, magical. You are one to fear & admire.

Previously: How Can I Live With Such A Large Rat?

Taisia Kitaiskaia is a poet, writer, and Michener Center for Writers fellow. She’s taking questions on behalf of Baba Yaga at [email protected].