Will You Be Distracted By The Apple Watch?

This diffuse distraction fetish begs the question, just what is distracting us and what are we being distracted from? Few watch reviewers evaluate what distraction actually means in our daily use of technology. The implicit argument, however, is that technology is distracting us from focusing on non-virtual social situations, the people in front of us. Yet this ignores the subtleties of distraction.

Kyle Chayka takes a look at the new Apple Watch and whether or not its release will cause society to collapse, or just look like this Chainsawsuit comic. Personally, I have no desire for an Apple Watch, but I am also the type of person who will leave my phone in another room all day long and miss a thousand text messages. And is it just me, or is a watch just not a part of your everyday look? Not that it stopped Fitbits and stuff, but I gotta be free to wear bangles n’ shit.

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