Weekend Roundup / Open Thread


Whoa the week is done already! Very cool how time keeps going forward, IMO.

We learned a lot of things this week! We learned that Haley hates this fancy moisturizer (but loves Chris Kraus), I hate the return of the Brontosaurus, and Marie and Lola love the Fast and the Furious. These Google searches messed us up, and we may have cried at Huda Hussan’s essay. We learned Salman Rushdie is a total dad when it comes to the internet, and that it’s okay to not want to be constantly ultraseriously shouting about things.

Elsewhere, Hazel Cills asks if TV only likes female killers when they’re campy, Hannah Giorgis talks about the radicalness of Rihanna and the “carefree black girl,” and I wrote about some space suits made in Brooklyn because that’s a thing now. Also Ryan Sartor interviewed some weirdo named Jazmine Hughes who I think is famous for not showering?? Like, literally who? No we don’t miss Jazmine every single day and cry ourselves to sleep because she abandoned us, why do you ask?

What are you up to this weekend? If you’re reading this, I’m currently on a plane to Utah. Are you in Utah? What’s it like? Is it like SLC Punk? I saw that movie when I was like 14 and never since, does it hold up?