Weekend Roundup / Open Thread


Yesterday I spent a half hour trying to fax paperwork to the Brooklyn Courthouse to prove that I’m self employed so I don’t have to do jury duty next week, AND IT WORKED. And of course they refused to let me scan and email all the documents to them, but emailed me that I no longer have to serve. I see you, Brooklyn Federal Courthouse, and your insistence on fax machines even though an easier alternative is clearly available. You don’t scare me. I actually wrote about the last time I had jury duty here, and yes I am all for doing my civic duty but right now my duty is to the Hairpin! Also unless the trial is an exact recreation of My Cousin Vinny I’m not interested.

OK what happened this week? Haley fixed our eyeliner and it was Selena’s birthday. We talked about losing hair, and self-care, and made some nachos. We are all Team Grover, we are all Beach Witches, and we are all definitely spending this weekend learning to breed fancy pigeons. Also let’s listen to “American Oxygen” one to fifty more times.

If you have not read “Empathy, In Excess” yet, please do so now, and then come back because THIS LINE, YOU GUYS: “His fragility was his weapon. His helplessness was his weapon. His attempts to mirror whatever I said about him back onto me were his weapons, and all of it worked.” Just, that’s it! That’s these relationships, distilled! Also great is Beejoli on being told cultural appropriation isn’t a big deal, Chris Offutt on the coded class judgments of “trash food,” and I wrote a piece on the TLC show Four Weddings and my husband did Moneyball to the statistics and I have no idea why he indulges me so.

What are you up to this weekend? You got friends coming over? Am I invited?