Weekend Roundup / Open Thread



This week: Anna was gross, our fathers were philosophers, asked Baba Yaga about our TV habits, interviewed Amber Doyle, learned some Canadian slang, wrote two poems, synchronized our world time, declared a new best song ever, defended Kim Kardashian, tried some boring face masks, read the March Vogue

, made a brave decision, looked in Raina’s bag, and started rumors about ourselves.

This has been a fun week!!! Haley was in New York and I may or not have purchased us emoji pants. We are your dutiful bloggers and shall be dressed as so.

My internet is out for the next twenty-four hours, so I’m going to… read, I guess? You know how I feel about books (and in case you don’t: I love them! I just don’t read them for pleasure. I spend a lot of time reading the Internet so at the end of the day I just want to watch TV!!!!! Or masturbate), but I’ve got White Girls by Hilton Als on my nightstand just WAITING for me, so I might dive into that; my book club is starting The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander and I haven’t started it yet; plus, I need to read Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld for an assignment. Hmm. Maybe my internet should go out more often? Tell me what you’re reading, or watching, or eating, or whatever, and we’ll see you on Monday!

Image via Flickr.